Apr 30, 2021
Bishop Olmsted reflects on the importance of Sunday. Fr. Paul Sullivan wraps up a series on the Ignatian Rules for discernment of spirits We share the latest news from the Diocese of Phoenix including a conversation with Fr. Fernando Camou about his new assignment at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral.
Today's broadcast is...
Apr 23, 2021
Bishop Olmsted reflects on Jesus and healing. Fr. Paul Sullivan continues a series on the Ignatian Rules for discernment of spirits We share the latest news from the Diocese of Phoenix including an update on prison ministry with Kevin Starrs.
Today's broadcast is brought to you in part by Catholic Cemeteries and Funeral...
Apr 16, 2021
Bishop Olmsted joins us for an extended interview on his latest Apostolic Exhortation, Veneremur Cernui - Down in Adoration Falling. We share the latest news from the Diocese of Phoenix including Joyce Coronel's analysis of Bishop Olmsted's exhortation.
Today's broadcast is brought to you in part by Catholic Cemeteries...
Apr 9, 2021
Bishop Olmsted reflects on Divine Mercy. Cande de Leon explores the concept of spiritual multiplication. We share the latest news from the Diocese of Phoenix.
Today's broadcast is brought to you in part by Catholic Cemeteries and Funeral Homes of the Diocese of Phoenix. www.dopccfh.org
Apr 2, 2021
Bishop Olmsted reflects on Jesus and the Cross. Fr. John Nahrgang explores what the Bible and the saints teach us about Hell. We share the latest news from the Diocese of Phoenix.
Today's broadcast is brought to you in part by Catholic Cemeteries and Funeral Homes of the Diocese of Phoenix. www.dopccfh.org